April 30, 2021

In the development of the III Regional Conference - II Assembly of RED MAMLa, and considering the nomination of Brazil made in the Resolution of the previous Regional Conference, held in Cartagena last September 2019, Brazil ratified its support to the organization and presented today, April 30, the official video as Host State of the IV Conference and III General Assembly of Red MAMLa, to be h

April 26, 2021

In accordance with Red MAMLa's current Bylaws and with the purpose of allowing the visibility of women in the maritime community, on April 23rd, a proposal was made to create 3 Working Committees: the Social Affairs Committee, the Mentoring Committee and the Communications Committee.

April 21, 2021

Within the Third Regional Conference and Second General Assembly, Paula Perez, President of Red MAMLa, presented the progress made by the organization during the last year of management, which mainly aim to strengthen the development of Latin America in terms of gender equality and contribute to the Strategic Plan of OMI, regarding the fulfillment of SDG number 5.