Today, April 16th, the III Regional Conference and II General Assembly of Red MAMLa was held in a virtual auditorium enabled through the Zoom platform.

The opening speech was given by the President of Red MAMLa, Ms. Paula Perez, who described the dedicated work the organization has had since its creation in December 2017, pointing out that "this work has been highly satisfactory" and since the approval of its bylaws and organizational structure "it has been possible to establish a series of formalities and procedures that have given Red MAMLA a high degree of formality, seriousness and professionalism;  actions that begin to leave a path and guidelines for all the people who will come to lead the Network as of December of this year".

Conference attendees

Referring to the Principles and Values that support the MAMLa Network, she emphasized that "when we talk about a Network we are talking about an equation of capacities, resources, elements, permanent communication and interconnection activities to achieve objectives, which is why it is necessary and urgent to add even more the intervention and commitment of our members".

She concluded her speech by emphasizing that "our work is Latin America's contribution to OMI's Strategic Plan, to our strategy and to regional development in the area of gender equity. She also thanked the representatives of IMO, COCATRAM and Red MAMLa Members for their presence, as well as the presence of distinguished guests who "inspire us with their work and experiences in the maritime-port field".

The Assembly will be held in 3 sessions: April 16, 19 and 30 respectively, and each session will work on management issues and fundamental advances for the organization.