April 08, 2021

On Thursday, April 8, and within the development of the online event: "Driving Women towards a successful maritime future", the signing of the Letter of Understanding between the Latin American Women's Maritime Association and the Panama International Maritime University (UMIP) took place.

April 05, 2021

The Latin America Women’s Maritime Association - RED MAMLa, in accordance with its objectives and the IMO's Gender Programme: "Women in Maritime", has launched today, April 5th, the website:, accomplishing one of its most desired goals by integrating this media to its digital information platform.

April 05, 2021

Welcome to the website of  Red MAMLa, we are very pleased that you have come here to meet one of the Women Maritime Associations sponsored by the International Maritime Organization - IMO and that since its foundation in 2017 works to achieve recognition, training, empowerment and visibility of maritime and port women in Latin America.