International Maritime Law defines the legal responsibilities of States in their relations with each other, regulating, among other issues, the proper use of natural resources, the preservation of the environment, sustainable development, the exercise in activity and protection in international waters, international trade and the working conditions of people working in the maritime industry.
The United Nations designated April 21 as World Creativity and Innovation Day to promote multidisciplinary creative thinking, encouraging original ideas that encourage people to think differently and express a new vision on different matters. This date was approved worldwide at the 79th plenary session of the General Assembly through resolution A/RES/71/284.
The Maritime Authority of Honduras is the Directorate General of the Merchant Marine (DGMM), an institution that oversees maritime safety, protection of the marine environment and compliance with international laws and conventions.
Today, April 14, is the Day of the Americas, a date that has been celebrated throughout our continent since 1931. This commemoration gives us every year the opportunity to celebrate our roots, our land and sea, our proud Latin American heart.