International Maritime Law defines the legal responsibilities of States in their relations with each other, regulating, among other issues, the proper use of natural resources, the preservation of the environment, sustainable development, the exercise in activity and protection in international waters, international trade and the working conditions of people working in the maritime industry.

Regarding the ratification of International Conventions and their implementation in local regulations, Argentina is one of the most outstanding countries in the Latin American Region, with more than 20 Conventions ratified and approved by the Internal Law of the Republic.

The responsibilities of this relevant task are assigned to the Prefectura Naval Argentina, where our Alternate Member, Subprefecto Laura Valeria Rodríguez Burlada, works in the Secretariat of International Affairs.
Laura Rodríguez Burlada, has a long professional career, with 15 years of experience in the maritime-port area and international law, achieving to date 12 inter-institutional Agreements negotiated for her country.

Likewise, she has been appointed as Responsible in charge of the organization of more than 25 bilateral and regional events, representing Argentina as Exhibitor at the 3rd Inter-American Congress on Climate Change of the Inter-American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering -AIDIS- Bs As 2018.

It is worth mentioning, her participation as a Member of the National Task Force (NTF) in the framework of Argentina's collaboration as a leading country in the IMO-UNDP-GEF Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnerships Project (GloMEEP).

Aware that all these tasks require great coordination with international organizations and foreign institutions, from Red MAMLa we would like to extend our gratitude and admiration to our Alternate Member Laura Rodríguez, who works tirelessly every day in the study and local application of international regulations in pursuit of sustainable maritime development in the region.

Laura, thank you infinitely for leaving these trails in the sea!


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