The Maritime Award of the Americas 2022 is an initiative organized by the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports - CIP in collaboration with the North American Marine Environmental Protection Association (NAMEPA), HudsonAnalytix, Rightship, the Latin American Society of Marine Oil Terminal Operators and Monobuoys (SLOM) and other strategic partners.
The activity began with a presentation addressed to the authorities of the National Institute of Aquatic Spaces (INEA); President, Vice-president and the entire management team of INEA, as well as representatives of the other Institutes that are part of the Vice-Ministry of Aquatic Transportation.
Msc Laura Ester Rivera Carbajal-Kriz, was sworn in as Deputy Director of the Merchant Marine; she took the promise of law in the presence of the Secretary of State for Governance, Justice and Decentralization, Tomás Vaquero and the Secretary General, Celso Alvarado.
The University of Costa Rica (UCR) obtained the homologation of the Civil Marine career by the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MOPT), which is taught at the Caribbean Campus. This certification is granted by the Ministry, in its capacity as regulatory entity.