By: Altamira Terminal Portuaria, S.A. de C.V.

In October 1995, Altamira Terminal Portuaria, S.A. de C.V. (ATP) began operations with the hiring of personnel to perform the tasks of a multi-purpose maritime terminal, in which all types of dry cargo would be moved, and for which specialized equipment would be needed for the handling of such cargo, which would require trained operators for such functions. In these recruitments, it was established that the selection of new collaborators would not be based on gender, and although male applications predominated due to the fact that historically this activity was predominantly carried out by men, we had the experience of receiving applications from women, who were given the same treatment in terms of recruitment and selection requirements.

ATP is celebrating 26 years of activities, and we can proudly say that we have female personnel operating Rubber Tired Gantry Cranes (RTGs). Operational Management positions are filled by ladies who started their careers with ATP as Assistants and Analysts and over the years, they have advanced and completed additional studies that qualified them for these management positions. It is worth mentioning some activities that have been dominated by them, such as the transportation and appointment of company personnel for daily work, being a department of more than 10 members that attend to these needs.

Likewise, ATP's coordination of the ground transportation offered to some of its clients is carried out by a woman.

Women are present in practically all areas of the company, with engineers in the area of maintenance of cranes and major equipment, assistant managers, developers and analysts in Information Technology, leaders in the areas of Insurance, Controllership and Treasury, Legal. Also working in operational activities such as: car drivers, checkers and verifiers, emergency medical technicians, as well as a large number of supervisors, from the nursing area, through areas such as foreign trade cargo warehouse, container repair, attention to shipping line fleets, Heads such as Customs Operation, Customer Service and Vessel Documentation, Planning and Operations Control, to name a few.

In ATP we believe that any person is capable of developing the activities that the company requires for its daily development, providing them with the tools, training and necessary training for its execution, considering that women are as apt and prepared to perform virtually any activity, as are men.


#MujerMaritima #WomenInMaritime #Gender #Equality #ODS5