February 10, 2022

The ceremony, which took place last January 26, marks the closing of the phase of change of status of the International Organization of Aids to Maritime Navigation (IALA) to Intergovernmental Organization, a process that began in 2019 and concluded with the signing ceremony of the Convention, held at the headquarters of the IALA in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France. 

February 02, 2022

The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Waterfowl Habitat, better known as The Ramsar Convention, is the oldest of the modern intergovernmental environmental agreements. The treaty was negotiated in the 1960s between countries and non-governmental organizations.

January 28, 2022

On January 12, 2022, was held the ceremony of the Change of Command of the LSG Patrol Boat 1617 "Puerto Natales", where the Permanent Representative of the Chilean Maritime Authority to Red MAMLa, First Lieutenant LT Carolina Pacheco Erices had the opportunity to be Commander and lead 11 people as a crew.

January 26, 2022

The commemoration of the Environmental Education Day originated from the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Environment held in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1972, in which the importance of caring for the environment was discussed and the need to agree on common principles that would offer society an inspiration and guide to preserve and improve the environment was exposed.