Today is a date on which the whole world is reminded of the fundamental and vital role that the oceans play as enormous ecosystems in the life of every living being on the planet.

The 1960s was the decade in which concrete actions were initiated to address the environmental impact of mankind on the oceans. In June 1972 in Stockholm, during the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, 113 nations established an action plan that laid the foundations for regulating activities in the sea, from whaling to the prevention of hydrocarbon discharges, waste and pollution, among others.

It is well known that in order to sustain healthy marine ecosystems, which are home to 80% of life on the planet, are the main reservoir of carbon dioxide and produce about 85% of the oxygen we breathe, it is necessary to protect the animals that inhabit them.

In view of this, it is important to sensitize mankind to the fact that if the ocean dies, we will die too, which allows us to highlight the great importance of the role they play in everyday life, they are the lungs of our planet, an important source of food and medicine and a fundamental part of the biosphere.

It can be noted that the purpose of the day is to inform about the impact of humans on the ocean, to develop a global citizens' movement for the ocean and to mobilize and unite the world's population in a project for the sustainable management of the oceans.

Thus, the United Nations has chosen the theme "Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean" to celebrate World Oceans Day 2022, in which we are called to create a new balance with the ocean that restores its vitality and brings new life to it.

Consequently, this June 8, from Argentina, the Dock Sud Port Management Consortium in line with the commitments made in the certification of SDG No. 13 "Climate Action" and in conjunction with Red MAMLa and the Municipality of Avellaneda, carries out the second cleaning day in Puerto Piojo Beach located in Dock Sud, Avellaneda; there will be participated by Carla Monrabal - President of Consorcio DockSud and Associate Member of Red MAMLa, the Gender Perspective Commission Argentina, the Environment and SDG 13 Team - Consorcio DockSud, Municipality of Avellaneda, Secretary of Production, Commerce and Environment Argentina - Mgtr. Eng. Lucas Gabriel Giménez, Secretary of Women, Gender and Diversity Argentina - Lic. Natalia Andrea Arlandi Granados, Undersecretary of Environment Argentina - David Martínez and MDA's cleaning crew integrated by women of the community.

In Colombia, at the same time, a cleanup day is being carried out in the beaches of Salgar, Municipality of Puerto Colombia - Department of Atlántico; where the public and private sectors have joined together to commemorate this day and generate strategies to reduce environmental impacts on marine ecosystems, with the participation of the Colombian Maritime Authority - DIMAR, also in conjunction with Red MAMLa, the Government of the Atlantic, the Mayor of Puerto Colombia, local authorities, the Colombian maritime guild, the Association of Caseteros and the community.

Red MAMLa invites all Argentines, Colombians and other Latin Americans to be part of this campaign to create collective actions that generate positive impacts on our ocean and coastal areas.

Today, we urge everyone to take care of the seas and oceans, with our actions let's ratify that we are together for cleaner oceans.

"The ocean, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder...FOREVER" -  Jacques Cousteau


#WorldOceansDay #OceanLovers #OceanCreatures #ProtectTheOcean #SaveOurOceans #WorldOceansDay2022 #SaveOurSeas #PlasticFree #SaveThePlanet #EcoFriendly #GoGreen #ElMarNosUne #EducacionAmbiental #Naturaleza #Biodiversidad #Sustentabilidad #Planeta #Reciclar #ClimateChange #EcoFriendly #Residuos #SaveTheEarth #RenewableEnergy #OrgullosamenteMAMLa #ProudlyMAMLa