Since 2005, every June 21, World Hydrography Day is celebrated, a date promulgated by the United Nations - UN to raise awareness of the discipline of hydrography and the role it plays in generating greater knowledge of the seas and oceans.

On the other hand, organizations dedicated to hydrographic studies during this celebration have the opportunity to highlight the relevance of their activities and raise awareness about the importance of the oceans and waterways for the sustainability of people and the planet.

Among them is the International Hydrographic Organization - IHO, which since 1921 has been working to ensure that all the world's seas, oceans and navigable waters have a correct topography and cartography, thus promoting the uniformity of nautical charts and documents.

For this year, the IHO has chosen the theme "Hydrography, a contribution to the United Nations Decade of Oceans", with the aim of highlighting how hydrography, as an applied science, supports the sustainable use of the oceans.


Check here the Official IHO message for World Hydrography Day 2022

For more information, go to the IHO website

#WorldHydrographyDay #WHD #WHD2022 #Hydrography #Bathymetry #Hydrology #OceanLovers #ProtectTheOcean #SaveOurOceans #GoGreen #ClimateChange #Hidrografia #Cartografia #DiaMundialDeLaHidrografía #Batimetria #FondoMarino #ElMarNosUne #OrgullosamenteMAMLa #ProudlyMAMLa