Welcome to the website of  Red MAMLa, we are very pleased that you have come here to meet one of the Women Maritime Associations sponsored by the International Maritime Organization - IMO and that since its foundation in 2017 works to achieve recognition, training, empowerment and visibility of maritime and port women in Latin America.

Undoubtedly with our site we are managing to target many of our objectives, providing a platform to publicize our progress, news, events and highlight in a special way the work of our members through each Maritime Authority.

Red MAMLa brings together thousands of women from Latin America who prepare themselves every day to enforce the guidelines of maritime safety, protection of the marine environment, maritime traffic facilitation, maritime security and other aspects that enforce the duties and rights as flag States, coastal States and port States of each of the Latin American States.

This is why this website is committed to provide content on technical, legal and international relations matters that contribute to the maritime development of the region.

Dear reader, thank you for joining this initiative to promote information that aims to be warm, fluid and flexible, elements that characterize an Association that believes that the equation between knowledge, development of skills and respect, are the key elements to achieve inclusion, gender equality and strengthening of the maritime sector.

Thanks to the International Maritime Organization -IMO for their confidence in the MAMLa Network, thanks to all the people and organizations that have made it possible that today www.redmamla.org is at the service and with its pages open for chronicles and news that allow us to be united through the sea.

Red MAMLa - Chair