Last week the Latin America Women's Maritime Association - Red MAMLa, held a Virtual Ordinary Session in which the nominations of new members to join the organization were presented.
This session was held on Thursday, November 11, 2021, at 10:00 AM.(Panama City Time) and was attended by 16 Member States through the representatives of the Maritime Authorities of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Prior to the presentation of the nominations, it was specified that all those that were received within the deadline and complied with the formal documentation requested would be reviewed, as defined in the By-laws, in order to provide the transparency that characterizes the processes of international organizations.
Elvia Bustavino, Permanent Coordinator of the Network, proceeded to show the nominations of each Member State, together with the names of the nominees and type of membership. Time was then set aside for comments and although the process would be by simple majority, the vote for the new members was determined with unanimous approval.
At the close of the session, Paula Perez, President of Red MAMLa, announced the approval of 71 new members comprised of 11 Honorary Members; 4 Associate Members and 56 Alternate Members with diverse professions including Physicians, Public Relations Specialists, Coastal Zone Specialists, Biologists, Hydrographers, among others.

"The world needs strong women, Women who will lift & build others, women who live bravely, women of indomitable will" - Amy Tenney
#OrgullosamenteMAMLa #ProudlyMAMLa #BienvenidasMAMLas #WelcomeOnBoard #BienvenidasABordo #MujerLatinoamericana #MujerMaritima