As part of the development of the SOMOS MAMLa Program, the Directorate General of the Merchant Marine of Honduras held the Webinar "Contributions of the Maritime Sector to Climate Change Mitigation", where topics related to pollution from ships, the transfer of potentially harmful pathogens in ballast water and the regulations developed for the preservation of the seas and aquatic spaces were addressed.
The activity was opened by Laura Rivera, who addressed the attendees with words of welcome. She then gave the floor to Diana Guillen, who presented the "We are MAMLa" Project.
During the presentation, Laura Rivera referred to the structure of the MAMLA Network and the objectives and strategic axes on which its work is based. She also pointed out the activities carried out by the organization, mentioning also the other Women's Associations around the world.
Finally, she presented the MAMLa Network Membership in Honduras and the internal management that has been carried out as a Member Country, among which are: Participation in the Permanent Task Committees, Internal Meetings and Follow-up to the Participation of the Committees and the organization of Trainings within the framework of the Planning of Honduras to the Network.
Afterwards, the floor was given to Sara Zelaya, Head of the Marine Environment Protection Department, who spoke about climate change and how it is caused by anthropogenic causes, aggravated by the natural process of the greenhouse effect, the burning of fossil fuels, industries and transportation, among other factors.
Regarding maritime transport, he referred to the constant work carried out by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to promote the reduction of carbon emissions and the impact of hydrocarbon pollution.
This is how the IMO leads projects at the international level, seeking the application of new technologies for a greener maritime transport, with the objective of "...strengthening the capacities of the states to create projects that control climate change through strategic actions such as a management plan in the use of energy, and the control of the management, consumption and type of fuels used".
After the presentation, there was a round of questions where attendees had the opportunity to interact with the speaker.
Closing remarks were made by Elvia Bustavino, Secretary General of the Panama Maritime Authority and President of Red MAMLa, who emphasized that "... it is important that all sectors linked to the maritime, port and logistics industry take action to improve energy efficiency and support renewable energies as a means to mitigate climate change".
Elvia Bustavino closed her speech by congratulating the Directorate General of Merchant Marine of Honduras for holding this event, which is aimed directly at technical capacity building and demonstrates the institution's commitment to the environment.

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