The Conference "Create your own destiny, from intention to action" was successfully attended as part of the "We are MAMLa" Program, which was organized by the Panama Maritime Authority - AMP, with the support of Empresa Multimodal SAS - EMMSAS and the Panama Maritime University - UMIP.
The event was held in hybrid mode, bringing together more than 230 participants between those who participated in person at the UMIP Auditorium and those who followed the event virtually through the MS Teams platform.
The moderator of the activity was Héctor Villarreal, who opened the event with welcoming remarks reaffirming "...the commitment towards progress in the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals, and the importance of personal and professional development to achieve a more comprehensive growth, in accordance with our goals, needs and aspirations...".
He then gave way to Elvia Bustavino, Secretary General of the AMP and President of Red MAMLA, who made a presentation on our association and the advances in organizational management that have been achieved since its creation in 2017 to date, including the regulatory framework, strategic axes, activities and strategic partnerships. She also pointed out that all these efforts aim to "...enhance the participation and incorporation of women in the sector, promote the recognition and visualization of Latin American maritime, port and logistics women...".
Afterwards, the video "Gente de Inspira" was shown, followed by Rachel Orozco, Assistant to the General Secretariat of the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Panama, who presented the video "From Intention to Action".
At the end of the videos, Zenia Vásquez de Palacios, Secretary General of the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Panama, who addressed the Conference "Create your own Destiny", urged the audience to encourage self-esteem and self-knowledge, two key tools in emotional development that allow them to reach their maximum potential as a person. She also motivated the audience to find the inspiration that allows them to outline goals and strengthen the commitment with oneself in order to achieve the desired goals, since "...the unbreakable will, love, responsibility and perseverance are what will take us from intention to action, and undoubtedly to success!".

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