On Thursday, April 8, and within the development of the online event: "Driving Women towards a successful maritime future", the signing of the Letter of Understanding between the Latin American Women's Maritime Association and the Panama International Maritime University (UMIP) took place.
The Letter of Understanding signed by the Rector of UMIP, Mr. Victor Luna, and the General Coordinator of Red MAMLa, Mrs. Elvia Bustavino, aims to encourage and promote the growth of the maritime-port sector for the benefit of the Latin American region through national and international cooperation in technical education.

Mr. Victor Luna (UMIP) and Ms. Elvia Bustavino (Red MAMLa) signing the Letter of Understanding.
For the Rector of the International Maritime University of Panama, Mr. Victor Luna, the recent alliance "will be an opportunity to join forces to promote the success of women in the maritime sector", adding that "he is very motivated by the exchange of ideas and knowledge that will be generated".
Meanwhile, the President of Red MAMLa, Ms. Paula Perez, said she felt "grateful for the constant support that UMIP has shown to the Maritime Strategy and Principles of the Organization, which will surely lead to great results in favor of SDG5".
The signing of this Letter of Understanding opens up a range of opportunities for the development of activities of mutual interest in the maritime area, including: the creation of internship programs, the exchange of work and research results, maritime technical training, the development of teaching projects, mutual consultancy and the facilitation of the use of technological platforms for virtual events, among others.