It has been 1 year already! Yes, 1 year since Red MAMLa achieved one of its most desired goals by integrating to its digital information platform, the website
On a day like today, April 5, 2021, the launching of this website took place, thanks to the dedication of many months of hard work and the cooperation of different experts, representatives of our organization and allied associations.
For Red MAMLa, the successful implementation of this project is a source of legitimate pride. Through this digital space, we have created a place to present the constant work of the organization, informing about the different activities in which we participate, about the relevant events in the maritime industry and delivering the vision of experts through technical articles and current events in the maritime-port area.
The reception that our website has had during this first year online has been fantastic and for that, we want to thank you. In this period, we have reached 11,000 unique visitors, achieving a high visualization of our pages, which account for 108,962 views. In addition, there have been 116 publications, divided between 75 news articles and 41 Maritime Chronicles.
The Maritime Chronicles section is undoubtedly the favorite of you: our visitors, reaching 60% of the visits to the Web Site. The pen and ink of a vast panel of experts in the maritime industry have been reflected in it, as well as the voice of our member countries, where 15 of the 19 countries that integrate our Association have shared a technical article of interest.
We do not want to let this occasion pass without acknowledging and expressing our gratitude to the International Maritime Organization for the constant support to the Women In Maritime Program. To the initial work group: Paula Pérez, Julissa Cordones and Elvia Bustavino for leading this initiative, to Tatiana Quiroga and Lissette Moreno for the graphic development and implementation of this website and to our first 4 chroniclers: Leticia Meza, Liliana Diaz, Alexis Rodríguez and Wilberto Acosta, for delivering the first articles of the section that would become the favorite of our users.
Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to you, the users of our website: Thank you very much for 1 year of progress! Thank you for your constant support, visits and comments.We want to keep growing. We are still a newborn Website. We are happy with the achievements and we hope to advance much more, to continue providing you with current information, different points of view and international legislative content that contribute to the development of the industry and the visibility of the maritime, port and logistics women of our Latin America.

#OrgullosamenteMAMLa #ProdlyMAMLa #Latinoamerica #PrimerAniversario #SitioWeb #RedMAMLa #ElMarNosUne #TheSeaUniteUs #IndustriaMaritima #MujerLatinoamericana #MujeresMaritimas #MujeresPortuarias #MujeresLogisticas #Reconocimiento #Empoderamiento #Visibilizacion #MaritimeIndustry #WomenInMaritime #Recognition #Empowerment #Visibilization #WebSite1Year #FirstAnniversary