The Digital Press Medium "All About Shipping" delivered the results of this survey over the weekend, which marks the third version of the process initiated in 2020. 

"All About Shipping" is a news platform for the maritime sector covering a wide variety of topics with the aim of providing the global maritime industry with unbiased, high-content news and information.

Each year this media conducts a survey among its readers to highlight, in an annual list, the 100 best people in the maritime environment, a fact that took a turn at the beginning of the year 2020 where, in accordance with the Global Maritime Theme driven by the IMO (2019: Empowering women in the maritime community) decided to focus the survey on the female sector to choose the 100 outstanding women of 2019.

The survey is conducted through popular vote and background collection on the work and contributions made in favor of strengthening the maritime sector, in order to ensure a fair and equitable survey in honor of women.

In this year's election, 1.610 participants from all sectors of the maritime industry were nominated. According to the digital media, this year saw "... a fierce but friendly competition, where voters from Central and Latin America stood out and supported their candidates like no other region".

Our President, Elvia Bustavino, who for the second year in a row has made it to the top 10 Women in Shipping in the world, is in the 9th position on the list.

For Red MAMLa is a moment of pride and celebration to have a representative of Latin America among the 10 most outstanding women, who in addition to performing a constant work for the maritime industry, at the head of our organization, develops activities for the benefit of recognition, training, empowerment and visualization of maritime women in our region at national and international level.

Congratulations Elvia for such a well-deserved achievement!

All About Shipping : 100 Top Women in Shipping for 2021

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