The World Conference of Women's Maritime Associations (WIMAs) began on May 18; where Red MAMLa President, Mrs. Elvia Bustavino, presented our association, making reference to the path we have taken so far. Likewise, the Presidents of the other 7 Organizations: Africa, Arab States, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific, presented their Organizations in the plenary session of the IMO, before all the Delegations of the Member States and other guests..
During the participation of our President, the initiatives and achievements carried out by MAMLa Network were presented, such as: national, regional and international scenarios, Cafés with MAMLa, Maritime Chronicles, Networking with purpose, Promoting the leadership of the Region and Conversations with Equity, in this aspect it is worth highlighting the relevance of the strategic alliances consolidated by our Network, product of the management of the Presidency and the Executive Committee, reason why MAMLa Network currently has more than 15 strategic allies worldwide. Similarly, the Panel on the use of the Networks and Mentorships of the World Maritime University (WMU) and the International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI) of the IMO was held, highlighting the wide range of options available to us to continue training in the sector.
On the second day of the Conference, on May 19, a working group was held with all the WIMAs to develop a "Global Strategy for Women's Associations in the IMO Maritime Sector", during which all the Presidents and representatives of the 8 Associations made their contributions and comments; in the case of Red MAMLa, the working team was made up of Ms. Elvia Bustavino, President of the MAMLa Network, Ms. Elvia Bustavino, President of the MAMLa Network, and Ms. Elvia Bustavino, President of the MAMLa Network. Elvia Bustavino, President, Ms. Draiza Medina, Director of the Communications Committee, Ms. Catherine González, Director of the External Relations and International Cooperation Committee and Ms. Paulina Vásquez, Director of the Legal Committee, who together participated in this meeting, all directed by the IMO in order to consolidate a common strategy and international impact.
In addition, Ms. Mariana Nocetti, Coordinator of the "Woman in Maritime" Program of the IMO Technical Cooperation Division and the IMO press staff held a session on increasing visibility through social networks and public websites, aimed at all WIMAs, establishing goals and proposals to increase the reach in digital media in terms of recognition of women in the sector.
In such a way with this majestic event, with the honor of the gentlemen present, the imminent support of the IMO could be evidenced before the commemorated date, as it was the "International Day of Women in the Maritime Sector".

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