On June 7-9, the XIII Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP-OAS) was held in Roatán, Honduras, organized by the Empresa Nacional Portuaria de Honduras (ENP) and the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) of the Organization of American States (OAS).

The purpose of the meeting was to approve the Roatán 2023 Resolution and its corresponding Plan of Action. During the meeting, elections were held to form the new Executive Committee of the CIP 2023-2023.  In addition, the meeting sought to open a space for dialogue between the public and private sectors to promote the development of intelligent and interconnected ports and to be a forum for successful practices in technological innovation as a transversal tool for port modernization. 

During the 3 days of the meeting, various issues in trend within the industry and the challenges that they present for the evolution of the sector to a more sustainable management were discussed, among which were: Port modernization, technological tools in service of the logistics chain, port legislation, inclusion policies, innovation policies, challenges of port digitization, among others.

Significantly and very relevant for both the Network of Women of Maritime Authorities of Latin America (Red MAMLa) and the CIP-OAS, the last day of the meeting saw the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutions.  MAMLa Network, represented by Ms. Elvia Bustavino, President of the Network and Ms. Kim Osborne, Executive Secretary for Integral Development of the OAS signed the Memorandum in front of delegations from 22 CIP-OAS Member States from North, Central and South America, as well as the English-speaking Caribbean.

With the formalization of this alliance, both organizations ratified their commitment to the development of collaborative activities and the execution of a mutual work plan with the objective of addressing projects of interest in gender issues for the maritime, port and logistics sector, since their collaborative work began through an exchange of memberships.

Both Red MAMLa and the CIP-OAS expressed their satisfaction for strengthening this Strategic Alliance where the management of initiatives in favor of the empowerment of women working in the industry will be the central pillar of the activities arising from the mutual work.

This was stated by Ms. Elvia Bustavino, President of Red MAMLa when she emphasized that " is an honor for Red MAMLa to continue promoting capacity building, strengthening the leadership of human talent in the Region and working together with the CIP-OAS in favor of the maritime, port and logistics industry" and Mr. Jorge Durán, Head of the Secretariat of the CIP said "...this strategic alliance is essential to continue with the task of promoting greater participation of women in port management. Organizations such as Red MAMLa are fundamental allies for the CIP since together they can open new spaces and offer not only awareness programs and courses, but also promote greater and better leadership of women in the sector".


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