Yesterday, March 29th, the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (S/CIP) held the Webinar: "Great Challenges for Port Development". The event was organized in collaboration with the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and was sponsored by the ISPS Network Mexico International.
Jorge Durán, Head of the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP), opened the Webinar with words of welcome to the attendees and gave a summary of the topics to be discussed in what would be a day of exchanges of experiences on the implementation of new port policies to stimulate port development in the maritime industry.

The first presentation was given by Ricardo Sánchez, Senior Economic Affairs Officer, International Trade and Integration Division (ECLAC), on the topic: "Overview of challenges for comprehensive port development", where he addressed the process of evolution of the port industry, where the integration of ports is "a growing asset in the development of countries, both in the generation of added value in the supply chain and in the creation of jobs". He also pointed out that this process of change must be interrelated with the different entities that interact with port activity, such as: the State, the urban environment, companies, the labor force and government regulations.

The second block, "Experiences of National Port Authorities," began with a presentation by Panama, represented by the Secretary General of the Maritime Authority and President of Red MAMLa, Elvia Bustavino, who shared her country's experiences in the application of Integral Public Policies, covering the areas of Foreign Trade, Port Operations and Humanitarian Work. On this last point, she highlighted the work that Panama has carried out as a Humanitarian HUB for the Americas, an activity that has allowed, among other achievements, that more than 12 thousand maritime workers have received the vaccine against COVID-19.

Subsequently, Captain Alt. Ana Laura López Bautista, from the General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Marine, SEMAR, presented the vision of the State of Mexico and its modernization process in port matters. Among the most outstanding data, she pointed out that Mexico has a capacity of 2 million TMP, where 41% are oil tankers and a wide port connectivity (587 ports/153 countries). She also emphasized Mexico's high commitment in relation to the continuous improvement of port policies, where work is currently focusing on 3 relevant aspects: giving greater impetus to the Merchant Marine, improving regulatory compliance policies and implementing actions to achieve sustainable transport.

At the end of the presentations, there was a block of conclusions and questions from the audience, where the panelists delved further into the concepts presented during the development of their presentations.

With a warm thank you to the 3 guests for their participation in this Webinar, the program of presentations and discussion came to an end. Before closing the broadcast, Jorge Durán informed the attendees about the existing Collaboration Alliance between CIP and Red MAMLa, and made a call to be attentive to official communications, since an event was being organized by both organizations for the end of April.


Did you miss it? Watch what happened in the link below:

Review the presentations of the panelists on the CIP website


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