Within the framework of the World Ports Sustainability Programme (WPSP) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) applied to ports, the gender-sensitive vocational training programme of the Consorcio de Gestión del Puerto de Dock Sud (CGPDS) won the "Community Building" category in the Awards 2023 of the International Association of Ports and Harbours, among 86 projects submitted worldwide, where it competed with two other port institutions in the final stage. The award ceremony took place at the IAPH World Ports Conference in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates.
It is an award that recognises the efforts made to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the town of Avellaneda, giving them the opportunity to have more gender-sensitive employment opportunities in the community.
In this sense, Carla Monrabal, President of the Consorcio de Gestión del Puerto Dock Sud for the last three years, emphasised that "the support of the Town Council of Avellaneda and its Mayor, Jorge Ferraresi, has been fundamental in receiving this proposal and collaborating in its implementation, with the firm objective of promoting the development of the community based on public policies". She also stated that "it is an honour to receive such an important recognition, thanks to the great work in terms of inclusion and equity that we carry out in the port".
The initiative, promoted by Carla Monrabal, who signed the agreement together with the Head of the Cabinet of the Municipality of Avellaneda, Magdalena Sierra, the President of the Río Santiago Shipyard, Pedro Wasiejko, and the Minister of Women's Affairs, Gender Policy and Sexual Diversity of the Province of Buenos Aires, Estela Díaz, was one of the most important government policies for the management and worked around four axes: To strengthen the collaboration between the State, the companies, the Dock Sud Port Management Consortium and the community; to reduce gender inequalities in the world of work; to promote the inclusion of women and diversity in the industries related to the port; and to generate a skilled workforce in the community of Avellaneda and the port area.
The Train to Work programme includes training in traditionally male-dominated trades and aims to create more gender-sensitive employment opportunities in the community of Avellaneda and the port.
Monrabal pointed out that "the idea behind 'Training to Work' responds to a need observed in the companies located in the port area, and it is being carried out thanks to the public-private articulation and the commitment of the Avellaneda municipality to the community". In this line, she added that "the joint work between the companies and institutions such as the Ministries of Women, Gender Policy and Sexual Diversity, Labour, Production, Science and Technological Innovation and Education of the Province of Buenos Aires is fundamental", while he highlighted the support and commitment with the community of leaders such as the Minister of Buenos Aires, Estela Díaz, the Mayor of Avellaneda, Jorge Ferraresi, and the President of the Río Santiago Shipyard, Pedro Wasiejko.
The courses, selected after a needs assessment, were for welders and electricians and were provided by the Astillero Río Santiago shipyard and the Centro de Formación Profesional N° 401 de Dock Sud, respectively.
The first diplomas will be awarded in the last months of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, and those who have received the training have highlighted, among other things, the job opportunities that have been opened up to them and the fact that they will be able to apply what they have learnt in their daily lives.
The project is in line with Sustainable Development Goals 5, 8, 10, 10, 16 and 17. At present, the Port of Dock Sud is internationally certified by CIFAL Argentina, an organisation of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) of the United Nations, and is also the first Argentine port to be certified for "Integration of Sustainable Development Goals in the Corporate Strategy" within the framework of the "WPSP World Ports Sustainability Program".

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