On Thursday, November 11, the IMO Council decided to accept the proposal to establish an International Day for women in the maritime sector. This proposal will be adopted next December 2021 at the IMO Assembly to commemorate women at sea and will aim to promote the recruitment, retention and visibility of the work they perform in the several areas of the maritime world.
For Red MAMLa, this announcement is a great achievement to the perseverance and work of all those who have contributed to the empowerment of Maritime Women, especially because the initiative was promoted by the Sister Association PACWIMA, which we joined and acted to integrate both Member States and the private community of the maritime and port sector in Latin America, achieving their support in this motion.
The work has been arduous, with much demand and dedication, but also without excuses and with the greatest of convictions that our MAMLas representatives have managed to conquer spaces of visibility for Latin American women.
We are aware of the many seas we still have to sail, but we know, and we strongly declare, that despite the difficulties, we will be able to overcome the tides and reach our goals successfully and working together.
Congratulations to all our Maritime Women!

#D4WIM #OrgullosamenteMAMLa #ProudlyMAMLa #MujerMaritima #WomenInMaritime