The first port in Argentina to certify the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its corporate strategy was the Port of Dock Sud. The goals integrated to its organizational management are SDG5: Gender Equality, SDG6: Clean Water and Sanitation and SDG7: Affordable and Clean Energy, among others of the set proposed by the United Nations (UN) in the framework of its Agenda 2030.

The President of the Dock Sud Port Management Consortium is Carla Monrabal, who holds a degree in International Trade from the Universidad de la Marina Mercante and is an Associate Member of Red MAMLa. Under her management, she has initiated the Gender Perspective Commission, which is mainly in charge of reducing the gaps between men and women, promoting equality and working on issues such as gender violence, harassment, and non-sexist language.

As part of the tasks of the Gender Perspective Commission, it began to monitor the number of women holding positions in the Port of Dock Sud. Year after year, they work so that the numbers tend towards equality. When Carla Monrabal started her administration, women occupied only 20% of the jobs and today they exceed 35% in both administrative and operational areas.

She also launched the "Menstrual Management Plan", aimed at redressing the inequalities that affect those who go through the menstrual cycle. The initiative contemplates the development of training and a monthly payment of 400 pesos for each menstruating person working in the port terminal, in order to purchase menstrual supplies.

Another important point to mention within her management of the Port of Dock Sud is the beginning of the dredging works of the main channels, which are linked to the deepening and maintenance of the port and are essential not only to guarantee the entry of ships, but also for the safe and fluid use of channels and waterways. These works were undertaken by the Consortium, which managed the bidding process and will carry out the work with its own resources, requesting in a unified manner the environmental authorization for all the dredging areas. This marks a substantial difference in relation to previous administrations, since they used to resort to the figure of emergency dredging and the works were directed by the private companies.

Likewise, the President, Carla Monrabal, is leading the "Safe Port" certification process granted by the Authority for the Application of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code). With the priority of guaranteeing the safety of both Port Dock Sud employees and the community, a network of cameras has been installed to monitor the entire premises. The cameras make the entry of vessels visible and are monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by specialized port personnel. This places Puerto Dock Sud among the safest ports in Argentina.

Carla, we are honored that you are part of Red MAMLa, we need more women leaders like you, who drive the development of our industry. Congratulations!


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