Among the areas of action of the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine of Honduras is the Protection of the Marine Environment, where, fulfilling its function as Maritime Authority, it has the authority to regulate and control marine traffic, ensuring the safety of navigation, human life at sea and the prevention and containment of marine pollution.
The fulfillment of this last task resides in the Marine Environment Protection Department, where our Alternate Member, Sara Zelaya, is in charge of the Department.
Sara Isabel Zelaya Landa, is a Biologist, graduated with honors from the National Autonomous University of Honduras in 2011.
Years later, in 2014, she graduated from the Official Master's Degree in Environmental Management of Water Systems from the University of Cantabria, Spain.
Since 2017, she has served as Head of the Marine Environment Protection Department, where she leads a team of specialists in maritime-environmental issues. She is in charge of the implementation of national and international regulations in the field, the regulation of maritime activities in Honduran jurisdictional waters, in order to reduce their environmental impact, as well as the application of the National Contingency Plan for oil spills and spills of noxious and potentially hazardous substances, in her role as Incident Commander for Tier 2 events.
In addition to her work, she has been part of the Honduran delegation to the Intergovernmental Conference that drafted the legally binding instrument within the framework of CONVEMAR for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ Agreement).
Sara, please accept our appreciation for the excellent work you are doing for the protection of the marine environment. We are honored to witness your achievements and thank you for being part of our Association! We are certain that you will continue to leave traces in the sea.

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