The General Maritime Directorate - DIMAR, is the Colombian Maritime Authority in charge of the integral maritime safety, the protection of human life at sea, the promotion of maritime activities and the scientific and technological development of the Nation.

Our Alternate Member Juliana Sintura Arango, who from the Colombian Maritime Authority collaborates in the Maritime Technical Affairs Committee of our organization, works in the Marine Scientific Research Area.
Juliana Sintura Arango, is a Biologist specialized in Management and Territorial Planning from the Universidad de los Andes - Colombia.

From 2015 to 2019, she served as General Coordinator of the National Plan of Seaflower Scientific Expeditions and was part of the Technical Secretary of the Seaflower National Technical Table of the Colombian Ocean Commission - MINCIENCIAS Colombia BIO.

The Seaflower Scientific Expedition is a project articulated by multiple Colombian entities that join efforts to generate knowledge about the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve. Its objective is to create awareness, through scientific bases, about the importance of the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve for Colombia and the world and to create a monitoring plan to standardize sampling protocols.

She was also the manager of the Joint Commission for South Cooperation between Colombia and Costa Rica, with support from APC, for the integrated management of protected areas with emphasis on the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve (Colombia) and La Amistad (Costa Rica).

She received the 2017 Navega Nuestro Orgullo Award in the Area of Science, Technology and Innovation conferred by the National Navy of the Republic of Colombia for teamwork behind the coordination of the National Plan of Scientific Expeditions.

In addition, she is a Member of the Steering Committee for the development of the "Integrated Optic-Acoustic Studies of Reef Fish: Report of the 2018 GCFI Field Study and Workshop" in the framework of the 71st version of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Conference 2018, San Andres Islands.

Juliana, working with you has always been a source of pride for Red MAMLa, we are happy with all the achievements you have reached and we are certain that you will continue to stand out in this sea world for your great professionalism and the commitment that you print in every activity you do. Thank you for leaving trails in the sea! Proudly MAMLa.

Juliana Sintura Arango - DIMAR, COLOMBIA

#Colombia #DIMAR #ExpedicionSeaflower #Biosfera #Latinoamerica #HistoriasMaritimas #DamasDelMar #MujeresAlTimon #MujeresMaritimas #MujeresPortuarias #MujeresLogisticas #Reconocimiento #Empoderamiento #Visibilizacion #OrgullosamenteMAMLa #ProdlyMAMLa #ElMarNosUne