The Latin American region with full commitment became part of the proclamation made by the IMO in December 2019, during its Assembly in the 32nd Session, where member states agreed to celebrate the "International Day of Women in the Maritime Sector", every May 18, to recognize and pay tribute to the achievements of women working in the maritime industry sector.
This 2023 the Secretariat of the Latin American Agreement on Port State Control of Ships (Viña del Mar, 1992) organized a webinar under the theme 2023: "Mobilizing Networks for Gender Equality"; the meeting was opened by the Secretary of the Agreement, General Prefect Italo D'Amico and included presentations from Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru, Dominican Republic and Uruguay, in addition to the representative of Red MAMLa, Liliana Diaz Medina. The main objectives of the meeting were to highlight the role of women in the maritime sector, offer a forum to promote gender equality and provide greater visibility and empowerment to Latin American women.
The Brazilian Ports and Coasts Authority also held a webinar in commemoration of the date and presented the MAMLa Network to the Brazilian Maritime Authority, as well as to the entire Maritime Community and Merchant Marine Training Schools, with the aim of highlighting the date, honoring women working in the maritime industry and promoting recruitment, retention and employment in the maritime sectors, in addition to expanding the presence of women in the area. Two speakers participated in the event, CLC Fabiana Durant, who spoke on the topic "Women's Leadership and Safety in Port Navigation" and CC(T) Fernanda Barbosa, who spoke on the topic "The Dynamism of Maritime Training".
In Colombia, the Directorate General of Maritime Affairs (DIMAR) held the First Meeting of women from the public and private sectors at the Naval Cadet School, where they discussed the challenges, lessons learned and achievements obtained while working in this sector, emphasizing the importance of strengthening support networks among women.
From Cuba, with the participation of the First Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Transport, Mrs. Marta Oramas Rivero, Mr. Miguel Pineda López. General Director of the Maritime Administration of Cuba, the Counselor for Economic and Commercial Affairs and Alternate Representative to the IMO of the Embassy of Cuba to the United Kingdom, Mrs. Marta Castillo González and under the coordination of the Representatives and Members of the MAMLa Network in Cuba, who in turn participated in the event, Daymara R. Juan Gil, Beatriz Anllos Guerra and Amarilys de la Caridad Ivonet Quiala. The topics addressed were "Maritime Single Window in Cuba", "Presence of port women in the current context" and "Maritime Transportation". The event resulted in a proposal to inform the Minister of Transportation of its success, in order to promote the principle of visibility, recognition, training and empowerment of women in the maritime, port and logistics sector.
On the other hand, from Ecuador, the Merchant Marine Officers Association held a Webinar with topics inherent to the port and maritime field with national and foreign speakers, with the presence of Rear Admiral Pablo Caicedo, National Director of Aquatic Spaces, among the speakers was Mr. Emilio Aguiar, Director of CAMA, and Mr. Emilio Aguiar, Director of CAMA, Director of the National Maritime Commission of Ecuador (CAMA). Emilio Aguiar, Director of CAMAE and the President of FCAMAE, the representatives of Red MAMLa in Ecuador participated in the activity and highlighted the work currently being done by women involved in the maritime industry, indicating that more women are joining the sector every day.
Guatemala held a seminar entitled "Technology and Personal Innovation": Breaking Paradigms in the Maritime and Port Sectors, organized by the Ministry of National Defense in its capacity as Maritime Authority. Our representatives from Guatemala participated during the activity, among the speakers of the conference were the DEMN. Ilse Keren Orellana Bercian, Deputy Director of Port Captaincy and President of REMPORT period 2022-2023, Mrs. Lucila Alveño, Legal Advisor of the Railway Terminal, Puerto Barrios. Izabal, Mr. Mario Alejandro Solares, General Manager of Human Resources of Empresa Portuaria Quetzal, Lieutenant Commander Claramaría Barrera Ralda, outstanding for her performance as Practical Pilot and Dr. Juan Manuel Echeverria, Director of Projects, Development and Quality Assurance of Terminal de Granos del Pacifico Limitada, TERPAC, LTDA, the moderation was in charge of Captain Flor de María Caballeros de la Cruz.
The Mexican Ministry of the Navy in conjunction with the Port Captaincy and Maritime Affairs Unit (UNICAPAM) and the General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Marine (CGPMM) commemorated this day with an event called "Sailing Towards an Open Space for Women", ceremony in which the first generation of women graduates of the Merchant Nautical Schools of Mexico were recognized, as well as a symposium where women with outstanding careers in this sector, addressed issues of the maritime-port and environmental sector. The event was attended by Graciela Alvarez Hoth, General Director of NRGI Broker; Captain Alejandra Ortiz Soria, Head of the Legal Unit of SEMAR; Captain Maria Marisa Abarca Hernandez, General Director of Ports of the CGPMM and Nellys Sanchez, CEO of NS Consulting and Training and Associate Member of Red MAMLa. In this way, the National Maritime Authority encourages the visible participation of women in the maritime sector through the identification of needs and training offers, providing technical knowledge and creating opportunities that promote the integral development of women.
Meanwhile, in Panama, the Panama International Maritime University (UMIP), through the MTCC-Latin America and the Faculty of Nautical Sciences held the Conference "Bridging the Gap towards Gender Equality in the Maritime Sector", the event was in hybrid mode with a representative participation, thus having everyone the opportunity to attend the presentations given by women leaders in the maritime sector, who shared their experiences addressing the following topics: "The Role of Women in Maritime Administrations", "Perspective as Engine Engineer in the Maritime Sector", "Importance of Maritime Training of Women as Seafarers", "The Walk of Women in Maritime Research- point of view as Seafarers". Panama thus paid tribute to all the women in the maritime sector, who contribute in a significant and tangible way on a daily basis, thus bridging the gap towards gender equality.
In Uruguay, the commemoration took place in the presence of the Vice President of the Republic, Mrs. Beatriz Argimón, the Commander in Chief of the Navy, Admiral Jorge Wilson, the National Naval Prefect, Rear Admirals, Chief Officers, Subaltern Personnel and female personnel of the Navy. The speakers at the event were: Ms. Karen Schandy, Vice President of Wista Uruguay (Women's International Shipping and Trading Association), Dr. Florencia Sciarra, President of the Uruguayan Association of Maritime Law, Lieutenant Commander (CG) Maria Florencia Martínez, Head of the Training and Evaluation of Seafarers Division of the Naval Academy, Merchant Captain Silvina Berretta and in virtual mode, our President Ms. Elvia Bustavino, all presenting their experiences in the maritime field. The Vice-President had the opportunity to visit the Naval School's Navigation Simulator.
And from Venezuela, the National Institute of Aquatic Spaces (INEA) held a colloquium in the city of Caracas, with the participation of the Minister of People's Power for Transportation, Mr. G/D Ramón Celestino Velásquez Araguayán, the President of the National Institute of Aquatic Spaces (INEA), Admiral Eladio Jiménez Rattia, our Permanent Representative in Venezuela and Legal Consultant of INEA, Mrs. Lizett Carrero, who made a presentation on the maritime sector. Lizett Carrero, who made a presentation introducing Red MAMLa, the President of Bolivariana de Puertos S.A. (BOLIPUERTOS), Admiral Érika Vírgüez Oviedo, who spoke about the role of port women in the economy and national production. Also participating was Captain Rossy Tussen, the first woman to command an oil tanker in Venezuela, highlighting the role of women in the Merchant Marine. Another speaker was Rear Admiral Luis Mérida Galindo, General Director of International Relations of INEA, who spoke about the participation of women in the naval sector. Likewise, a panel was held with the participation of Mrs. Eliana Salazar de Velásquez, General Director of International Relations of the Ministry of Transportation, CF, Lismariam Ecuer of the Bolivarian Navy, Engineer Mariangi Rodríguez of DIANCA, CC Yaimar Campos Romero of BOLIPUERTOS and Third Officer Ana González, who is on board the ship José Leonardo Chirinos, all giving their appreciations and views from their roles in the maritime, port and logistics sector.
Thus, under this conglomerate of activities, Latin America, through the Member States of our Network, accompanied this outstanding commemoration as it was, the "International Day of Women in the Maritime Sector", we congratulate and thank them all. The sea unites us!

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