The Permanent, Alternate and Associated representation of Red MAMLa attended the Seminar on the Transposition of IMO Instruments into National Legislation and the XXVIII Ordinary Meeting of the Regional Operational Cooperation Network of Maritime Authorities of Central America and the Dominican Republic (ROCRAM-CA), held from May 9 to 13, at the Crown Hotel in Santo Domingo, hosted by the Dominican Republic Navy.

The activity was directed by Otto Noack, Executive Director of COCATRAM, and began with welcoming remarks by the Vice Minister of Transportation of El Salvador, Saúl Antonio Castelar, President Pro Tempore of COCATRAM.

Afterwards, IMO Representative Carlos Salgado, Head of the Technical Cooperation Division for Latin America and the Caribbean, spoke about the work developed jointly with COCATRAM and explained the Overview of the long-term Technical Cooperation Projects being promoted by the International Maritime Organization, as well as the opportunities and/or challenges of the Caribbean SMART initiative, with its application and financing modalities.

Subsequently, led by our Member of Honor, Carolina Riesco of Chile, the Senior Representatives of the Maritime Authorities of Central America and the Dominican Republic participated in the Workshop: Transposition of IMO instruments into national legislation, carried out in 7 work modules.

The presentation "We are MAMLa" was in charge of our President, Elvia Bustavino, who during the speech, made an account of Red MAMLa: beginnings, achievements, present and future plans; where she took advantage of the stage to encourage the Maritime Authorities to give greater opportunities for training and growth to women, based not on gender but on their capabilities. There was also a report on the excellent performance of the Red MAMLa Web Site (, presented by Lissette Moreno, Web Manager and Honorary Member of our organization.

In addition to the nine MAMLas of the DR, headed by Captain Julissa Cordones, Permanent Representative, a delegation of 30 women from the Dominican maritime and port sector was also present at the presentation, as well as the Maritime Authorities of Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic Navy, as part of the ROCRAM-CA meeting.

Also, in the framework of the presentation of the status of implementation of the action plans for the fulfillment of the Central American Regional Maritime Port Strategy; our MAMLas María Isabel López; Permanent Representative of Nicaragua and Cintia Hernández, Alternate Member of Honduras; on behalf of the Maritime Authority of their countries, gave us an overview of the progress and challenges they currently face in relation to the development of the maritime-port sector towards the transition of a sustainable industry.

The event concluded with the oath of office and the transfer of the Presidency of ROCRAM-CA, with Vice Admiral Ramón Betances, Commander General of the Dominican Republic Navy, as the new President Pro Tempore, who addressed the audience with closing remarks.

This activity allowed for interaction between our President and the representatives of Central America and the Caribbean, and especially with all the Dominican members, with whom she shared impressions in an atmosphere of sisterhood, professionalism and emotion, for the face-to-face meeting, after two years of hard work online.

Finally, from Red MAMLa we would like to publicly acknowledge the Dominican Republic Navy, who, through their staff, were wonderful hosts of this event. Their professionalism, courtesy and coordination of every little detail made us feel at home. Receive our sincere congratulations for the excellent management and our thanks for your kind hospitality!


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