Organized by the National Maritime Authority of Mexico, the online event "SOMOS MAMLa Mexico" was successfully held through the ZOOM platform. The event was attended by women and men from the maritime-port sector, both public and private, from different parts of the Mexican Republic; highlighting the students of the National System of Nautical Education, who, with great interest, followed the presentations made by prominent women in the maritime-port sector.

First, our Alternate Member, Arlette Ordoñez Ortiz, Master in Public Administration and Politics, delivered to the attendees the presentation "SOMOS MAMLas", which described the background of MAMLa Network, its objectives and Strategic Axes, integration and the main achievements through the Representation of the National Maritime Authority.

Next, Lieutenant Commander Estefanía Osorio Vega, from the Navy Engineer Service, shared her experience as one of the two representatives of Red MAMLa in the first "SheEO Maritime Accelerated Leadership Program", whose purpose is the empowerment of women, equal opportunities and strengthening women's leadership worldwide.
Next, Ms. Giuletta De Vecchi Armella, Specialist in talent development, personal and organizational growth strategies, was in charge of the presentation: "EMOTIONAL FIRST AID", where she made the participants aware of the importance of detecting situations in which emotional first aid is essential for proper personal and professional growth.

In relation to "MEMBERSHIPS IN RED MAMLa", our Permanent Representative of the Mexican National Maritime Authority, Lieutenant Commander of the Naval Justice Service, Paulina Vázquez Contreras, explained to the participants the types, rights and scope of the memberships, extending the invitation to be part of Red MAMLa and its work in favor of the visibility of women in the maritime community.

Finally, Ms. Graciela Álvarez Hoth, Associate Member of Red MAMLa and CEO of NRGI Broker, gave a presentation on "PRIVATE SECTOR ACTIONS FOR THE EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN IN THE MARITIME SECTOR".

The event was supported by the Ministry of the Navy (SEMAR) as Mexico's National Maritime Authority, through the Port Captaincy and Maritime Affairs Unit (UNICAPAM), COACHES X MEXICO, CAMEINTRAM and NRGI Broker.


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