Message from the Executive Committee of Red MAMLa: "On the occasion of the first official celebration of the International Day of Women in the Maritime Sector, the Executive Committee of the Network of Women Maritime Authorities of Latin America, joins this historic celebration that exalts and recognizes the role of maritime, port and logistics women in an industry that over time has been dominated by men.

We recognize this fact as an opportunity to write one more page in the history of our Network, based on the continuity of the work in favor of Sustainable Development Goal No. 5, sponsoring the participation of women and men in appropriate work environments that offer equal opportunities before the various professional and personal challenges that arise.

We wish this date to be a tribute to all the ladies who contribute day by day in the Maritime and Port Authorities of the region as well as in the private sector companies, in the fishing industry, logistics and at sea, who have worked for the consolidation of gender equity, which has allowed a real representation of women at the table where decisions are made and in positions where before it was unimaginable to see a woman.

Red MAMLa will continue working for a region sensitized and identified with the empowerment of women in both operational and administrative areas, knowing that we have women who have broken glass ceilings in areas of the maritime industry that were considered unattainable for them, leading them to break paradigms at all levels, therefore, Red MAMLa is honored to have representatives and members in its 19 Member States who continue to leave trails at sea.

Remembering that there are still obstacles for women to be recognized, empowered and visible, we urge all actors in our industry to continue to work collaboratively to foster gender equality and achieve a barrier-free working environment for women.

We encourage on this special day all the ladies who make life in the maritime, port and logistics sector to continue navigating in this ocean of infinite possibilities, highlighting that together we can overcome barriers and continue the journey with conviction and courage, professionalism.

We are confident that this celebration will be the first of many... Proudly MAMLa! "

President - Elvia Bustavino - Panama
Legal Committee Director - Paulina Vázquez - Mexico
External Relations and International Cooperation Committee Director - María Camila Aranda - Colombia
Maritime Technical Affairs Committee Director - María Fernanda Ucciani - Argentina
Mentoring Committee Director - Leticia Meza - Paraguay
Social Committee Director - Macarena Cladera - Uruguay
Communications Committee Director - Draiza Medina - Venezuela
General Coordinator - Dafne Smith - Panama


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