Organized by the External Relations and International Cooperation Committee of our network, the first Coffee with MAMLa 2023 was held, entitled "Strategic Alliances to Strengthen the Role of Women in Professional Organizations".

The event featured welcoming remarks by our President Elvia Bustavino and our Director of the External Relations and International Cooperation Committee, Ms. Catherine González Pizarro, as well as Ms. Nellys Sánchez, honorary member of the Network and Executive Director of NS Consulting & Training as moderator. 

In this virtual meeting, the importance of strengthening the role of women in various professional organizations was expressed in order to improve the participation of the MAMLa Network in regional and international scenarios that address maritime and port issues.

Likewise, the importance of disseminating and multiplying the work developed within the Network, within the framework of national and regional organizations/associations was mentioned, impacting the UN Sustainable Development Goals through strategic alliances, highlighting Axis 6 where the objective is to develop actions in accordance with the IMO's objective of strengthening the capacities of seafarers in education and training, as well as the promotion of gender equality.

#ODS #Strategic Alliances #equal participation of women in the maritime sector.
The Coffee with MAMLa was enriched with the presence of two speakers, first, we had the participation of Mr. Javier Carrizo, Founder and Director of the Digital Magazine Movant Connection, current leader of a company that provides logistics services linked to foreign trade and entrepreneur committed to social work to develop and share the contributions of its members through a Badge Program, which aims to make visible their contribution and promote networking.

In different countries, a collaborative network has been formed with which, through information and experience, they have integrated the vision of the current situation of the sector.

Mr. Carrizo emphasized that although women and men are different, we can contribute the same in every sense, that is to say that the contribution of women is equal to that of men in leadership situations. He considers that the women who work in Movant Connection are connected in different countries, they perform different tasks where communication links are strengthened and it is a space for ambassador members through their collaboration and creativity in the performance of their tasks through the freedom to express their ideas and emotions in each task they perform for the improvement of academic education for the logistics sector.

#collaboration #healthy links #women 
The second presentation was given by Ms. Amarilys Durán, President of Durán Salas & Asociados (DURANSA), President of the Federation of Dominican-International Women Entrepreneurs, Inc (FEM).
The Federation of Dominican-International Women Entrepreneurs, Inc. (FEM), is the first institution in the Dominican Republic to support and back Dominican women entrepreneurs to develop and energize their activities for the benefit and defense of their rights and with integral contribution to the national industry by supporting awareness, training and financing to raise the level of efficiency of women entrepreneurs as well as a better participation in the country's development programs.

One of the strategic alliances that the Federation of Dominican-International Businesswomen is making, is the support to more than 500 thousand members from the different needs that companies have in sustainability to maintain quality services and products and what better than creating strategic alliances to carry out its objectives, which translate into benefits for the health sector where the associates have discounts on various treatments.

It also has alliances in the technological field, with the Technological Institute of the Americas (ITLA), where women have the opportunity to gain knowledge in this discipline and have the opportunity to expand and connect with today's world. Other international alliances are with the Spanish Association of Spanish Women, with the Network of businesswomen and entrepreneurs through networking where products and services from Central America and the Dominican Republic can be shown. In addition, there is an offer of master's degrees that allow for greater growth and empowerment.

He also mentioned that the State is the best client that any company could have for its growth and expansion at a national and international level through trainers that through these strategic alliances are reduced to win-win, that is to say, to ensure that the efforts, no matter how big they are, as long as they are divided, will be viable.

He emphasized that education is the pillar for the creation of an environment of effective alliances for both men and women, since the more training women receive, the more competitive they will be. 
Some of the recommendations he remarked for a successful alliance are to have respect among its members and the necessary trust for all parties to win.

Finally, she commented on some important aspects to successfully carry out activities within the framework of SMEs and to make them visible in each organization, such as: work, transparency, compliance, discipline to what is agreed, compliance schedule and empathy.

To close the meeting, Ms. Nelly Sanchez shared with us, based on her experience, four phrases to consider when creating strategic alliances:

  • No matter your gender, partnership is positive
  • Be ready when the opportunity presents itself
  • Be yourself, be respectful of who you are.
  • Each of us has a lot to contribute


#OrgullosamenteMAMLa #ProudlyMAMLa #CafeConMAMLa #CoffeeWithMAMLa #colaboración #VínculosSaludables #Mujeres #ODS #Alianzas #SociosEstrategicos #Participación #Empoderamiento #Visibilidad #ODS5 #IgualdadDeGenero #Integracion #Equidad