Organized by the Maritime Technical Affairs Committee, in the framework of the fulfillment of the objectives and strategic axes of the Network, on "Education and Training for Equality" and "Responding to the IMO Strategic Plan and the Sustainable Development Goals", a new Coffee with Mamla was held, which managed to gather members of the Maritime Authorities of Latin America, members and strategic partners of our Network, stakeholders at regional level and special guests.
The meeting began with an introduction by the Director of the Maritime Technical Affairs Committee, Prefect Fernanda Ucciani, and continued with welcoming remarks by our distinguished President, Ms. Elvia Bustavino.
The event was held as part of the celebrations for World Maritime Day 2023, under the theme "50 years of MARPOL: our commitment continues". This important commemoration not only marked half a century of progress in the protection of the marine environment through the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), but also represented a unique opportunity to coordinate efforts around global maritime sustainability and the preservation of our oceans.
During the event, crucial issues related to the conservation of marine ecosystems, the safety of navigation and the promotion of responsible maritime practices were discussed. In addition, dialogue and collaboration among industry leaders, government officials and international organizations was fostered to reinforce our collective commitment to protecting the seas and oceans for future generations.
More than 100 people were present virtually and were able to enjoy presentations by Subprefecto Eric Ivan Sajtroch of the Dirección de Protección Ambiental, Prefectura Naval Argentina, SEGUMAR chief Rina Berrocal of the Autoridad Marítima de Panamá, Chief Engineer Rina Berrocal of the Autoridad Marítima de Panamá, and Chief Engineer Jorge Ariel Tejedor, Chief Engineer Jorge Ariel Tejedor, Chief Engineer Jorge Ariel Tejedor, Chief Engineer Rina Berrocal of the Autoridad Marítima de Panamá, chief engineer Jorge Ariel Tejeda González of the Maritime Administration of Cuba and frigate captain (CF) Gonzalo Palleiro of the National Naval Prefecture of Uruguay, while the moderator of the Café was Mildred Esther Pacheco Hernández of DIMAR Colombia.
This initiative is of fundamental importance as it focuses on the implementation of MARPOL Annex VI, which addresses the crucial task of reducing air pollution from ships. Adherence to these regulations is essential, not only to comply with international legal obligations, but also to protect our environment and public health worldwide. Successful implementation of these measures directly contributes to the reduction of harmful emissions from ships, improves air quality in coastal and marine areas, and moves towards a more sustainable and healthy future for all.
This event provided a unique opportunity to bring together experts and stakeholders committed to protecting our oceans and promoting cleaner and more responsible shipping.

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