COCATRAM is a specialized organization of the Central American Integration System (SICA). Its main function is to strengthen the development of maritime trade in Central America through the identification and promotion of measures, policies and actions aimed at achieving a harmonious development that meets the foreign trade needs of the countries and the efficiency of maritime and port transportation services, promoting the interests of the region.

Created on July 15, 1980, by Resolution 5-80 of the Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Central American Economic Integration (ROMRIECA XXIII), in the city of Managua, Nicaragua, where its Constitutive Statutes were defined. Its member countries are: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama.

From its creation to the present date, COCATRAM has been concerned with maintaining leadership in the development and promotion of environmentally friendly maritime port policies, prioritizing safety and efficiency. Its main purpose is to position Central America as a competitive and integrated region, for which it has made changes in its structure and procedures for service delivery, communication and coordination with internal and external customers.

Today, on its 42nd anniversary, our President Elvia Bustavino, who on behalf of Panama, held the Pro Tempore Presidency of Cocatram for the period August 2019-2020, said: "It is an honor not only to have COCATRAM as one of the strategic allies of our Network, but to have been its President in 2019 and to have the privilege of working, from that date, with the other members of the Board for a Central American region strengthened in maritime, port and logistics capabilities".

From Red MAMLa we want to extend to COCATRAM our public recognition to an Organization that year after year reaffirms its unwavering commitment to remain at the forefront and consolidate leadership in the management and promotion of maritime port policies; identifying and developing necessary actions with the purpose of promoting new competencies and guidelines within the framework of international regulations and standards that promote sustainability and progress of Central American maritime trade.

Happy 42nd Anniversary COCATRAM!

COCATRAM, 42nd Anniversary (1980 - 2022)

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