
Argentina has over 4,000 kilometers of coastline, with 12 maritime ports belonging to the public sector and 26 to the private sector. It stands out from the rest of the Latin American countries for having some of the most extensive and fertile maritime spaces in the Southern Hemisphere. Its ports host heavy maritime traffic, mobilizing an annual average of 100 million tons.

Prefectura Naval Argentina (the Argentine Coast Guard) is the organization, which reports to the Ministry of Security, responsible for controlling the country's maritime activity.


Prefectura Naval Argentina is a law enforcement agency with over 200 years of history that is part of the homeland security system, in accordance with the national legal framework in place.
As the Maritime Authority of Argentina, it exercises the safety of navigation police and the security and public order police responsibilities at ports and national waters. Moreover, it is the enforcement authority of the international conventions that ensure the safety of human life at sea and the prevention and fight against environmental pollution from ships.

Furthermore, Prefectura Naval Argentina exercises the flag, port, and coastal State responsibilities and is in charge of registering ships and monitoring their safety and navigation conditions, as permitted by the national laws and regulations that assign these powers and the relevant international agreements.


Prefectura Naval Argentina is the organization through which the National Executive Branch fulfills its responsibilities as regards the Safety of navigation police, the security and public order police, the environmental protection and preservation of natural resources police, the judicial police, the customs, migratory and health auxiliary police, and the navigation administrative jurisdiction.

RED MAMLa CONTACT in Argentina

Laura Valeria Rodríguez Burlada



By: Teniente de Navío Nadia Rolandi. Dirección de Intereses Marítimos. Armada Argentina

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