By: DIGAOHM / Secretaría de Marina - México

Mexico's wetlands are of great importance from an ecological and socioeconomic point of view due to their multiple functions, values and attributes, which are essential for society as a whole. These ecosystems possess a great natural wealth that must be conserved and managed in a responsible and sustainable manner, using the best available information and technology.

Consequently, the use of these ecosystems must be carried out under a scheme of responsibility and equity, in order to promote the well-being of the population and guarantee that the values, goods, and environmental services provided by wetlands will last in the long term, to maintain the possibility of their use by future generations. These ecosystems have suffered transformation processes for different purposes, and their ignorance and inadequate management constitute some of the main problems that threaten their conservation in Mexico, as is the case of mangroves.

Because of this, the Secretariat of the Navy (SEMAR), within the scope of its attributions, carried out the Institutional Program for the Protection, Conservation, Restoration and Reforestation of Mangroves, in both coasts of Mexico, with the purpose of strengthening actions focused on the protection and conservation of mangroves, as well as increasing the restoration, reforestation and environmental education of military and civilian personnel within the naval jurisdictions focused on the conservation of this ecosystem.

Since ancient times, women have had a special relationship with nature, contributing to the well-being and sustainable development in the maintenance of ecosystems, biological diversity and natural resources.

Women in SEMAR play an important role in the protection, conservation, restoration and reforestation of mangroves, carrying out actions such as cleaning mangrove areas, hydrological rehabilitation, monitoring of physicochemical parameters of water, transplanting seedlings and carrying out actions to raise environmental awareness among the general population. This is why, for SEMAR, women are a fundamental piece, who throughout time have contributed greatly to the protection of the marine and coastal environment, with honor, duty, loyalty and patriotism, committed day by day to serve Mexico! 



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