The footprint of women in the maritime and port area began to gain attention in 2009 when the idea of training personnel who can be competent in this area was born, and is increasingly growing directly to maritime tasks, as the intention is to support and enhance the participation of Bolivian women in both land and port positions, also the purpose of increasing awareness of the importance of gender equity and equal opportunities in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, It is a great challenge to increase the proportion of women in the area of maritime transport that represent and have all the necessary means to perform in accordance with the twenty-first century, as currently opened the doors to female students at the Maritime University of Bolivia that is with a realistic program for the integration of women in the maritime sector.
With institutional frameworks to incorporate a gender dimension appropriate to the demands and needs of the maritime and port sector, which in turn will guarantee access to employment and training for women in the maritime sector.
Currently, the Directorate of Maritime Affairs has contributed to the training of female personnel to ensure a renewed and updated approach to current issues in the maritime sector as well as to promote the recognition of meritocracy to our women in the maritime and port field. It is very important to note the impact and benefit that this generates in other women so that they can project themselves in positions in which women stand out and/or positions that are still unexplored; it should be taken into account that the intention of gender equity and equal opportunities in the maritime field aims to work as a group and make the right approach and avoid limitations having better visibility and enhance motivation, then it is a work of all.

We must consider that the first challenge that women have is to believe in themselves, to believe that they have the potential to achieve any goal they propose, the issue of the pandemic forces us to be much more resilient, much more objective to the training that we have to address towards our best virtues, to be able to reach the projection positions.
The Bolivian Navy makes joint efforts to raise awareness and support the construction of harmonious and inclusive societies, create a society with less discrimination or prejudice against women and we must eradicate all forms of violence against women, also focuses on gender equity and discard the backward mentalities and customs that inhibit the development of women.