With 6400 km of coastline and a capricious coastal geography, signalling is of vital importance in the national maritime sector, where the General Directorate of Maritime Territory, through the Maritime Signalling Service, manages the aids to navigation system to provide safety and efficiency to ships travelling on national routes.
This challenging Chilean coastline requires professionals with vision and commitment. Valeria León Maturana, First Lieutenant of the Chilean Navy and alternate member of the Red MAMLa, stands out as the first female lighthouse subspecialist in her country.
Valeria entered the "Arturo Prat" Naval School (Chilean Navy) in 2009 and continued her studies at the "Academia Politécnica Naval", graduating with a degree in Maritime Administration Engineering, where she obtained first place in her class. She then went on to study the sub-specialty of Maritime Signalling, a field that has always attracted her attention and which she is still proud to practice today.
Among her various professional appointments, she has served as a pilot and second commander of maritime units of the Chilean Navy. She played an important role during the tsunami that hit the coasts of the Coquimbo region in 2015. She has been in charge of the largest zonal centre for maritime signalling in Chile and head of the Operations Department of the Maritime Governorate of Punta Arenas. In addition, she has contributed to the visualization of women in the Maritime Field of the Magallanes Region and Chilean Antarctica.
As part of his continuing professional development, he has studied for a Masters in Human Resources Management and diplomas in Senior Business Management and Antarctic Affairs. In addition to several courses in other countries such as Colombia with the theme of Analysis and Management of Maritime Risks of the Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) and courses in Argentina of Decision Making in the face of Fuel Spills and Course of the Naval Control of Maritime Traffic (OCONTRAM) official control of maritime traffic. The studies carried out have contributed to the increase of knowledge and capacity, which have led to being appointed to tasks involving greater responsibility in decision making.
She has also published articles on the importance of International Maritime Signalling and has participated as a speaker on Maritime Search and Rescue issues, exchanging experiences and analysing recent cases of Maritime Search and Rescue that have been developed in the jurisdiction of the Magallanes Region and the Chilean Antarctic.
During her career she has received the following awards
- Second Class Medal "Dirección de Educación de la Armada", for first place in the specialisation course, in 2017.
- First Class Medal of the Captain of the Port of Valparaiso, Lieutenant of the Navy, Mr Juan José Tortel Maschet, in 2017.
- Recognised by her hometown, Los Andes, as "Outstanding Andina", in 2019.
She currently holds the position of Head of the Maritime Operations Department of the Maritime Government of Punta Arenas.
Dear Valeria, Red MAMLA is justifiably proud to have you as a member of our association. We know that you will continue to light up the horizon with your dedication and professionalism, and we are sure that success and happiness will be your faithful companions on your professional journey! Proudly #MAMLa

#Chile #ArmadaDeChile #DIRECTEMAR #SeñalizaciónMarítima #Faros #Lighthouse #Safety #AtoN #Latinoamerica #HistoriasMaritimas #DamasDelMar #MujeresAlTimon #MujeresMaritimas #MujeresPortuarias #MujeresLogisticas #Reconocimiento #Empoderamiento #Visibilizacion #OrgullosamenteMAMLa #ProdlyMAMLa #ElMarNosUne