Within the framework of the activities programmed at the regional level, in compliance with the objective of the MAMLa Network Strategy and the provisions of Article 9 of the Regulations related to the function of the Committee on External Relations and International Cooperation - CRECI of "Supporting the Representatives of the Maritime Administrations so that they can disseminate the actions of the Network within their States, in order to strengthen it institutionally and ensure its stability over time", the MAMLa Network made a presentation of "We are MAMLa" in the Member States: Argentina, Chile and Venezuela.

The Argentine Naval Prefecture held the "We are MAMLa" meeting in virtual mode, with the participation of the Representatives, Permanent and Alternate, Alternate Members and special guests. The opening was in charge of the Director of Maritime Technical Affairs of the MAMLa Network, María Fernanda Ucciani (Alternate Representative), while the words of welcome were given by Leticia Meza Duarte, Permanent Representative of Paraguay, on behalf of the Executive Committee of the MAMLa Network.

The program was organized in three panels, the first of them, called "Red MAMLa" being the moderator Ms. Lorena Alejandra González (Alternate Member - Argentine Navy), and as panelists participated Ms. Paula Grillo (Honorary Member - Argentine Naval Prefecture) who presented on: Red MAMLa genesis, structure and functioning; the second panelist was Ms. Paula Pérez Primera President of Red MAMLa, who shared her vision on Red MAMLa "Challenges and perspectives".

The second panel on Leadership, moderated by Lucía Barazzutti (Alternate Member - Argentine Navy). In this opportunity Ms. Carolina Gamboa, Head of the Courses Division of the Argentine Naval Prefecture, who gave a talk on Leadership Training and then María Eugenia Duarte, Head of the Colón Prefecture of the Argentine Naval Prefecture, who spoke about: The Woman Leader.

The last panel on Assertive Communication was moderated by Laura Sánchez (Alternate Member - Prefectura Naval Argentina), while the presentations were in charge of Ms. Anabella Savasta, Head of Press, General Secretariat of Prefectura Naval Argentina, who gave her valuable contribution on: Communicational Technique and finally, Ms. Rocío Borjas (Alternate Member - Argentine Navy) Head of Cartography Department, Naval Hydrography Service, Argentine Navy, who gave a presentation on: Maritime Perspective.

From Chile, the event was held under a virtual format, with a wide participation of women belonging to the Maritime Authority, who work both on board maritime units and on land, civilian and contract personnel; in order to publicize the work that the Network has been doing since 2017, in favor of SDG No. 5. The activity was supported by the General Directorate of Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine of Chile, with the participation of the Head of the Department of International Affairs Frigate Captain LT Enrique Vargas; while the Head of the Technical Cooperation Section of the IMO for Latin America and the Caribbean, Carlos Salgado, participated for the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Likewise, there was an outstanding participation of speakers related to gender competencies and opportunities, such as the Coordinator of the "Woman in Maritime" Program, IMO Technical Cooperation Division, Mariana Nocetti and the Psychologist Marcela Soto, expert in gender issues, who in addition to addressing the subject of empowerment, highlighted figures and concepts such as the "impostor syndrome", generating an instance of recognition and appreciation of those present. The General Directorate of Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine thanked the interest of all those who participated, valuing the initiative and inviting to follow Red MAMLa through its social networks.

Meanwhile from Venezuela, in the facilities of the Venezuelan Nautical Study Center (CENAVE), an entity attached to the National Institute of Aquatic Spaces (INEA), under the coordination of the Permanent Representative, Dr. Lizet Carrero and the Alternate Representative, TN Draiza Medina. Lizet Carrero and the Alternate Representative, TN Draiza Medina, was gathered a representation of ladies who are part of the organic staff of INEA, to whom in the first instance was made the presentation "We are MAMLa" by the TN Draiza Medina, who also serves as Director of Communications of Red MAMLa, which made known our organization, its origins, scope, management and where we project.

Afterwards, there were three speakers: Teresa Camero, General Director of Operations of the National Institute of Canalizations, Lic. Leticia Navarro Coach Chocolatier and CEO of Choco Velvet and Major and Doctor Victoria Acevedo, who is part of the Marine Firefighters of INEA; Each of them shared their experiences and testimonies about their professional and personal journey in the maritime and cocoa sectors, in which they have developed throughout their careers, highlighting the challenges and challenges they have faced in their different roles as bosses, mothers, wives and daughters, thus highlighting the commitment they have made to stand out as prepared and sensitized women. It is worth mentioning that, in this emotional meeting, the Presidency of INEA, led by Admiral Eladio Jimenez Rattia, courted the activity by giving all those present, chocolates made by the invited Coach Chocolatier, which bore the logo of INEA and Red MAMLa, giving the event a touch of maritime identity, with a Venezuelan twist.


#OrgullosamenteMAMLa #ProudlyMAMLa #ElMarNosUne #TheSeaUnitesUs #Argentina #PrefecturaNaval #Chile #DGTM #DIRECTEMAR #Venezuela #INEA #MujerMaritima #WomenInMaritime #Webinar #WomenEquality #WomenEmpowerment #Reconocimiento #Empoderamiento #Visibilizacion #Latinoamerica #Sustentabilidad #Port #Economics #Policy #Management