This month of May 2022, has a note of pride for all women who work in the various fields of the maritime industry, since, for the first time officially, the International Women In Maritime Day will be celebrated.
The proposal accepted in November last year and subsequently approved at the IMO General Assembly held in December, set May 18 to recognize the work and participation of maritime, port and logistics women.
This recognition is an important achievement, and we celebrate it with great satisfaction. We also applaud our sister association PACWIMA for all the efforts and work involved in promoting this initiative, to which Red MAMLA joined and joined forces with the Latin American maritime community, both from the public and private sectors, to achieve the necessary support for its motion.
To commemorate this day, the International Maritime Organization – OMI, will hold a symposium with the theme: "Training-Visibility-Recognition: Supporting a barrier-free working environment", which seeks to emphasize the need for women to be more visible and integrated into the maritime community, both on board ships and at decision-making levels.
The event will feature prominent speakers from the maritime industry, academia and civil society, and will be open to all member governments, IGOs, NGOs and women's associations in the sector (see link at the bottom of the page).
This May 18, we will celebrate the vast progress made by all the women who, worldwide, make up our vast maritime world, and we will renew our commitment to continue encouraging visible participation in the sector and creating opportunities that promote the integral development of women in the Latin American region.
We will continue to work hard and with determination, "...alone we are a drop, but together we are an ocean". Congratulations to all our Maritime, Port and Logistics Women!

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