The event was held last Tuesday, April 26 and was organized by the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Latin American Women in Maritime Association (Red MAMLa).
The activity, which addressed relevant issues related to maritime-port development in our region, began with opening remarks by Jorge Durán, Head of the Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP), who highlighted, through the invited panelists, the presence of the public and private port sector, "...since it is a factor of great importance, as the different points of view enrich the prospects for sustainable development".
On the other hand, Elvia Bustavino, President of Red MAMLa and General Secretary of the Maritime Authority of Panama, highlighted the relevance of continuing to work for gender equity in the maritime port sector; and acknowledged the valuable support received by Red MAMLa from its strategic allies, since "...the collaborative and joint work allows to advance and create more spaces for the visibility of women in the maritime industry".
The panelists were then introduced by María Camila Aranda, Director of the External Relations Committee of Red MAMLa.
The first panelist was Captain Ana Laura López, General Coordinator of Ports and Merchant Marine of the Mexican Ministry of the Navy. During her presentation she referred to the actions and good practices of Mexican ports, highlighting five guidelines under which her country's work is developed, such as: the Coordination of Ports and Merchant Marine, Mexico's commitment to sustainability, the development of Maritime Roads for Cabotage and Short Sea Shipping (SSS) and Gender Equity. On this last axis, he stated that "...efforts are aimed at strengthening the commitment to the IMO and SDG5, promoting recruitment and sustained employment, among other actions that allow us to achieve the consolidation of an inclusive Port System".
Carla Monrabal, President of the Dock Sud Port Management Consortium of Argentina, was the second panelist of the day, who reported on the experiences obtained through the implementation of a Management Strategy based on 5 fundamental axes: community, sustainability, unity, safety and gender. These axes arise from training processes for collaborators with the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda. The aim is to align the work and management of the Port Dock Sud towards the creation of sustainable development processes. She highlighted that "... economic growth does not mean not respecting and caring for, not only the environment but also the community, education and health of the sector must be preserved".
Afterwards, Omar Barrios Osorio, President of the National Port Commission of Guatemala, gave the third presentation. He emphasized that in order to achieve sustainability it is necessary to "... develop a long-term vision, establishing parameters for action in terms of the environment, gender and technology, with an effective response, sharing information and making it public. Likewise, there must be adequate organizational structures with transparency and accountability". He also emphasized the importance of social responsibility projects (Jóvenes de Mar) to promote integral development; the importance of a strategic, updated legal framework with a regional vision.
The fourth panelist of the event, Carlos José González España, Partner of Empresa Multimodal S.A.S of Colombia (Associate Member CIP), presented 3 key aspects for Sustainable Development: Equity, Validity and Viability, each of them based on economic, environmental and social analysis. He also pointed out that to achieve sustainability "...requires real commitment, which is achieved through conviction. This has a transversal axis, which is achieved through training, which is what we are doing today in this Webinar or through courses and training, since it allows us to understand the best practices that are taking place in other countries and how we can apply them in our own, in the daily and structural aspects".
Finally, there was a round of questions to the panelists, which were asked by the Webinar attendees.

Review the Panelists' presentations here:
- Captain Ana Laura López, General Coordinator of Ports and Merchant Marine, SEMAR
- Carla Monrabal, President of the Consortium - Dock Sud Port
- Omar Barrios Osorio, Presidente de la Comisión Portuaria Nacional de Guatemala
- Carlos José González España, Partner of Empresa Multimodal S.A.S.
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