Today, April 14, is the Day of the Americas, a date that has been celebrated throughout our continent since 1931. This commemoration gives us every year the opportunity to celebrate our roots, our land and sea, our proud Latin American heart.
Latin America, surrounded by 3 oceans and 14 seas, is a region with an exuberant variety of ecosystems, both terrestrial and marine. Due to the wide extension of its coasts and the diversity of climate and temperature, it is possible to experience from tropical heat to the icy southern waters.
For Red MAMLa, this date is particularly significant, since our organization brings together 19 Member States of the region, such as: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Together, specifically through their Maritime Authorities, we have set ourselves the great challenge of working to create more and more spaces and opportunities that promote the integral development of women in the Latin American region, and jointly carry the seal of Latin America to the farthest corners of the world.
It is an arduous task, but full of satisfactions, each challenge conquered, each achievement reached, brings us closer to a sustainable development of the region's maritime industry. Allowing us to analyze and make decisions about the viable use of ecosystems, the preservation of biodiversity and the marine environment, apply new guidelines to provide greater safety in navigation to our seafarers and modernize port governance and logistics.
Today, we pay tribute to our Member Countries, who are taking care of the seas on a daily basis. Our seas, teeming with life, are the natural pathway that welcomes successive caravans of ships, and which, in their eternal wandering through the seas of the planet, not only share the products of our "America Morena", but also our culture and our most beautiful dreams.
Happy Americas Day!

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