Barranquilla is known as the Golden Gate of Colombia, since its geographical location and its natural condition as a port-city, allowed the entry of important technological advances such as radio, cinema, television, aviation, railroad and river navigation, among others.

Thus, Barranquilla and the Atlántico are positioned as a place of great dynamic growth and economic diversity.  It is worth mentioning that only during the month of February, cargo movement in the port area of Barranquilla increased by 48% compared to the same period last year, mobilizing a total of 1,152,397 tons.

Due to the high port traffic and cargo movement, maintaining the best maritime safety conditions is essential. 
This task falls to the Port Captaincy of Barranquilla, which since its creation in May 1990 has worked to facilitate trade and fluvial-maritime activities in this region.

Currently, the person in charge of the Maritime, River and Port Security Management process at the Port Captaincy of Barranquilla is Mildred Pacheco, Alternate Member of Colombia to Red MAMLa.

Mildred Pacheco is a Business Administrator, and has studies in Maritime Safety and Governance, Port Logistics, Marpol Convention, Risk Analysis and implementation of IMO instruments for Auditors of the Directorate General of Maritime Affairs.

To date, he has published three articles in the magazine "País de Mares" related to port developments, maritime signaling and its conditions.

In addition, she has been trained as a Technological Specialist in Environmental, Marine and Coastal Management and Environmental Consultant, also as an Internal Auditor Integrated Management Systems ISO 9001: 2015, ISO:14001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018 (In Company).

In 2015, she was selected Best Civilian of the General Maritime Directorate. Consecutively, in 2018 she raised a risk matrix and the diagnosis of the Port of Barranquilla, on which annual updates are made.

Mildred, it is an honor to be able to witness your professional advancement. Your dedication and commitment are reflected in every achievement throughout your career. Thank you for being part of Red MAMLa and infinite thanks for leaving waves in the sea!

MAMLas al Timón: Mildred Pacheco

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