Source: OEA - CIP
The Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP) of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Latin America Women's Maritime Association (Red MAMLa for its acronym in Spanish), through their strategic alliance formalized in 2021, have reinforced their commitment to promoting of gender equity in the maritime-port sector of the Americas.
Red MAMLa is one of the eight Women in Maritime Associations (WIMAs) created within the Gender Program of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Red MAMLa works to create more spaces and opportunities which promote the integral development of women in the Latin American region, under the principles of Training, Visibility, Recognition and Empowerment, implementing through its members, the Strategic Axes in all the countries where it is represented.
As the first multilateral port organization in the region to adopt gender issues as one of its cross-cutting mandates, the CIP pays special attention to the fundamental role women play in promoting competitiveness in the port sector. Through its Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Port-City Relations, Social Responsibility, and Gender Equality, the CIP implements various activities that help promote a more inclusive sector, such as Webinars, Hemispheric Technical Conferences, surveys, publications, and the Maritime Award of the Americas “Outstanding Woman in the Port-Maritime Sector”.
"Our work is aimed at creating spaces and opportunities that promote the integral development of women in maritime in the region," says Elvia Bustavino, President of Red MAMLa. "We are certain that together with the CIP we will be able to implement important initiatives in the maritime sector to promote the empowerment of women."
“By sharing gender equality objectives, we create synergies and these will translate into concrete activities and benefits for our community,” says Jorge Durán, Chief of the CIP Secretariat, and continues, “We see great value in strengthening our alliance with Red MAMLa.”
The first collaborative activity of the CIP and Red MAMLa in 2022 will be a Webinar on April 26, where regional and international leaders and representatives of the sector will share their technical knowledge on maritime-port issues and provide strategic actions to increase participation of women in the industry.

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